North of Tyne UK Shared Prosperity Fund evaluation – Privacy Notice

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this evaluation study.

This page contains information relevant to the project that must be made available to you in order to comply with data protection legislation (Privacy Information Notice).

About this research

Ortus Economic Research Ltd is delivering this evaluation with Kada Research Ltd on behalf of the North East Combined Authority (NECA). The evaluation will help NECA and its partners and stakeholders to understand the impact of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) investment in the North of Tyne, capture lessons learned and inform the development and long-term sustainability of the achieved results, and use this insight to inform future local growth programme design and to secure future investment in the region.

Ortus Economic Research Ltd is a UK company providing economic analysis, research and evaluation services. Our company registration number is 10636036. Our registered address is: 10 Heathfield Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5QT

Kada Research Ltd is a UK economic development consultancy providing social and economic research, analysis, and evaluation services. Kada’s company registration number is 07839881 and their registered address is: 10 South Street, Park Hill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, S2 5QY.

The data controller for this research project is NECA – see Contact below. The data controller “determines the purposes and means of processing personal data”. The legal basis for this research is “public task” – the processing is necessary for NECA to perform a task in the public interest or for its official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law. Local authorities have a legal duty to provide support to local businesses and communities (among a range of other duties); the combined authority enables the seven North East local authorities to work together.

You have been asked to take part in the evaluation because you or your organisation have been involved in the North of Tyne UKSPF programme – either supporting delivery, or taking part in one of the projects funded by the programme. You will not be asked to provide any personal details about yourself as an essential part of the research. You may be asked to give your name and contact details for the purposes of follow-up research, but you do not have to give any of these details if you do not want to.

Taking part in this research is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw from the research at any time – see Your rights below.

How your data will be used

This evaluation is confidential. This means that, for the purposes of this study, you and your organisation’s identity will only be known by Ortus Economic Research and Kada Research. NECA will not know you have taken part and will only receive aggregated data (which means your data will be combined with the views of many others). Research reports will only contain anonymous data (which means neither you nor your organisation will be named, nor identifiable from any of your answers).

If you consent to take part in follow-up research, your contact details will only be known to Ortus Economic Research and Kada Research, and will not be shared with NECA or any other third party. We will only use the details you provide to contact you in relation to follow-up research, and for no other purpose.

The information you provide in response to the evaluation will be stored and then deleted within 12 months of the end of the project.

How we keep your information safe

Ortus Economic Research and Kada Research use a wide range of technology to ensure that any personal data we hold is processed, stored and transferred in a secure way. This includes encryption, password protection and limiting access to personal data to key staff only. We regularly review our processes, hardware, software and policies to ensure we maintain personal data securely.

Your data will not be transferred to a country outside the EU.

Your rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), individuals have rights over their personal data and Data Controllers have a responsibility to fulfil these rights. Your rights include:

  • Withdrawal of consent – you have a right to withdraw from the research at any time. Any personal data will then be deleted from any research study or database in which you are identifiable.
  • Access to personal data – a right to access personal data that is held by Ortus Economic Research or Qa Research.
  • Amendment to personal data – a right to have any personal data held about you amended.
  • Erase personal data (‘right to be forgotten’) – a right to have personal data erased.
  • Object to processing – a right to object to processing in certain circumstances
  • Restrict processing – a right to restrict the processing of personal data in certain circumstances. This means that an individual can limit the ways that an organisation uses their data. It is different to requesting the erasure of personal data.

You have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you are unhappy with the way Ortus Economic Research or Kada Research processes your personal data. The ICO can be contacted at or by calling 0303 123 1113.


If you have further questions about this research project:

Call Ortus Economic Research on 07966 582133.

Call Kada Research on 0114 350 3303.

If you wish to contact NECA about the purpose of the evaluation or the use of the evidence or data that it generates, please contact Olha Krasovska, Senior Evaluation Specialist by email at

To fulfil your rights under GDPR (including to make a Subject Access Request) please contact Ortus Economic Research by email ( or by phone (07966 582133) or by post to Data Protection Officer, 10 Heathfield Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5QT or contact Kada Research by email ( or by phone (0114 350 3303) or by post to Data Protection Officer, 3-4 South Street, Park Hill, Sheffield, S2 5QY. We will respond to your request within legal time limits and in line with current data protection legislation. Normally, we will not charge for the fulfilment of your rights and would only do so when legally entitled to.

Further information on Privacy

Ortus Economic Research’s Privacy Policy can be found at

Kada Research’s Privacy Policy is available on request.

NECA’s Privacy Policy can be found at

See the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website for information on data protection and privacy: