NTCA strikes partnership with NICD

Two of our clients, the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) and the National Innovation Centre for Data (NICD) at Newcastle University have recently announced a new partnership to support economic growth and Covid-19 recovery.  NICD operates a unique business model within the higher education sector.  Instead of engaging with businesses and organisations through the usual contracted research approach, it focuses on developing the data science skills and capabilities of staff within client companies and organisations.  This is done through collaborative projects with NICD playing an advisory, mentoring role to support client staff to deliver a business-critical project and gain new skills and capabilities along the way.  This means that skills are developed within the client company, leading to sustainable productivity gains, ongoing innovation and long-term business performance improvements.  The…
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Employment and skills issues in the North East

Local Enterprise Partnership, Research, analysis and evidence, Skills and labour markets
Ortus and survey partners Qa Research have been commissioned to deliver an assessment of current and future skills and employment needs in the tourism and offshore wind sectors in the North East, and an assessment of the digital skills and employment needs in the region's health and social care sector. The research has been commissioned by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership on behalf of the North East Skills Advisory Panel, and will involve a survey of employers in each of the three sectors and a series of in-depth interviews, as well as analysis of secondary data. The research will help the Skills Advisory Panel and the LEP to ensure that skills provision reflects employer needs. The North East Local Enterprise Partnership is a public, private and education sector partnership.…
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Impact evaluation of the National Innovation Centre for Data

Evaluation and impact assessment, Innovation, University
The University of Newcastle appointed Ortus, along with our partner Cloud Chamber, to carry out an independent evaluation to assess progress against the NICD's original objectives and to measure its economic impact. Specifically, the impact evaluation has the following key aims: To develop an evaluation framework and delivery planTo generate an initial baseline assessmentTo produce annual formative evaluation reportsTo produce a final summative evaluation reportTo provide ongoing advice and guidance as appropriate to the project delivery/management team Early work has been focused on reviewing the landscape within which the project sits and making recommendations on key milestones and measures going forward. Annual formative assessments are being undertaken focused on performance against key objectives and also to identify learning points from an operational and delivery point of view. Finally, a summative…
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Strategy to support key clusters in Hertfordshire

Local Authority, Sectors, Strategy and policy development
Hertfordshire County Council and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) commissioned the Ortus team (whilst working at TBR) to head a partnership to deliver an important study of key economic clusters in the county. The study required us to develop a detailed understanding and evidence base related to three key clusters: digital creativity and media, life sciences and advanced engineering/software sectors. The study involved three main objectives: Research and report on the extent of employment in each targeted group of industries in Hertfordshire and the degree to which it is associated with the local presence of complementary activities, and the potential for building on complementarity (particularly in the case of advanced engineering and software).In advanced engineering, report on the extent of employment in high-level software activities with the potential to be…
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