Economic Futures and the Milton Keynes Growth Strategy

Economic growth, Local Authority, Research, analysis and evidence
According to the National Infrastructure Commission, the Cambridge-Oxford ARC is set to set a population increase of over 1 million and a growth in employment of 1.1 million between now and 2050.  Milton Keynes is located right in the middle of the ARC and therefore faces a major growth opportunity. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, Ortus Economic Research was charged with developing a range of grounded, evidence-based future scenarios for the economy of Milton Keynes and to support the integration of the scenarios into a spatial growth strategy.
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Luton’s Future Labour Market

Economic growth, Local Authority, Research, analysis and evidence
We are developing a forecasting tool that Luton Borough Council will use to examine the impact of planned investment on the skills pipeline.  Luton has recently launched an investment framework that seeks to secure up to £1.5bn in inward investment that will be applied to a range of physical developments.  These developments are estimated to generate up to 18,500 jobs over the next 10 years.
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