Ortus ER collaboration wins prestigious Planning Award

One of the most rewarding things that can happen in any job is to receive external acknowledgement of the quality and impact of your work.  So we were delighted to have recently discovered that a project we had collaborated on has won a prestigious Planning Award.  Specifically, the MK2050 Milton Keynes Strategic Growth Study won the Plan-Making category at the 2020 Planning Awards. Our role was to provide economic insight and to develop future economic scenarios so we could then outline what growth might look like over the next three decades. This was a challenging but very interesting brief, one which provided us with an opportunity to not only present detailed analysis, but to think through the implications of various types of growth and to consider wider economic, social and…
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Economic Futures and the Milton Keynes Growth Strategy

Economic growth, Local Authority, Research, analysis and evidence
According to the National Infrastructure Commission, the Cambridge-Oxford ARC is set to set a population increase of over 1 million and a growth in employment of 1.1 million between now and 2050.  Milton Keynes is located right in the middle of the ARC and therefore faces a major growth opportunity. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, Ortus Economic Research was charged with developing a range of grounded, evidence-based future scenarios for the economy of Milton Keynes and to support the integration of the scenarios into a spatial growth strategy.
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Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s Article 4 evidence

Local Authority, Planning, Research, analysis and evidence
Having provided key evidence in support of RBKC’s successful application for a borough-wide exemption from office-to-residential permitted development rights, in this project we updated our analysis of key sectors and the relationship between commercial premises and employment across the borough. This study used new techniques to join business data together with premises data, creating an empirical link between the commercial premises offer and the businesses on the ground.
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