Employment and skills issues in the North East

Ortus and survey partners Qa Research have been commissioned to deliver an assessment of current and future skills and employment needs in the tourism and offshore wind sectors in the North East, and an assessment of the digital skills and employment needs in the region’s health and social care sector.

The research has been commissioned by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership on behalf of the North East Skills Advisory Panel, and will involve a survey of employers in each of the three sectors and a series of in-depth interviews, as well as analysis of secondary data. The research will help the Skills Advisory Panel and the LEP to ensure that skills provision reflects employer needs.

The North East Local Enterprise Partnership is a public, private and education sector partnership. It is one of thirty-eight LEPs in England and is responsible for promoting and developing economic growth in the local authority areas of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland. The LEP produces the area’s Strategic Economic Plan, which acts as a blueprint for the activities that need to take place to improve the economy.

The Skills Advisory Panel includes local employers and skills providers who pool knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and work together to understand and address key local skills challenges. The Panel includes representatives from the North East LEP, the North East Combined Authority and North of Tyne Combined Authority, universities, colleges and local businesses. The work of the Skills Advisory Panel feeds directly into the development and delivery of the North East Local Industrial Strategy, an evidence-based delivery plan aligned to the UK’s Industrial Strategy, that works with the area’s Strategic Economic Plan to showcase the North East’s differentiating economic assets and industry strengths, which can be developed to boost productivity in the North East.

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