Whilst working at TBR, Andrew Graves and Andrew Rowell led a project (working in partnership with Middlesex University and Pomegranate Consulting) to deliver a project that explores the role of heritage in place branding. This work was designed to contribute to the annual Heritage Counts series and the subject matter was selected specifically by the Historic Environment Forum (HEF).
At the time, there was an increasing focus on how heritage influences place and this study contributed to the evidence base in that theme. The project began with a conceptual review of effective place branding and how heritage features within this as well as a brief review of ‘agents’ involved in place branding around England and their roles. It proceeded to capture evidence of how heritage is employed within place branding and the value that it creates. The project produced robust quantitative evidence to support the importance of place branding and the value of heritage within it.
The published report can be found at: https://historicengland.org.uk/research/heritage-counts/2016-heritage-and-place-branding/